Time Travel


Hi everyone!

Today I’m gonna talk to you about a time travel I would like to do. I like History, so there are so many places where I would go to, but I’m gonna choose just one and this is going to be the 60’s Chile.

 This period is very interesting because it was a deep-reforms historical stage because there were, in the first place, an earthquake in 1960, the most powerful earthquake recorded (my grandfather experienced it in Valdivia. He was 15 years old). He and my another grandfather remember the US Army or Navy helping people.

In the second place, there was a Cold War between United States and the Soviet Union and Chile was not apart of this conflict. By one hand, part of the Chilean society wanted to keep the traditional order, specially in the country and the economy. By the other hand, another parts of the society wanted make change through reforms or the revolution.

For someone, reforms matched a balance between social justice and prevent the revolution, especially after Cuban Revolution in 1959. For others, reforms were not enough and it was necessary accelerate the changes to come to socialism.

In the 60’ we lived the reforms during the Eduardo Frei Montalva’s government. An Agrarian Reform broke the old land property system (latifundio) y give lands to the peasants who had nothing and allowed unionize. There was an University Reform who consolidate the presence of the University of Chile outside Santiago and the role of the university in the society, besides other very important changes in the period.

In conclusion, a period where the political debate was everywhere in Chile.    


  1. Hi Nico, it´s crazy how different are our wishes to time travel, but for the same reason I think is very cool what you shared and your desire to meet Chile in the 60´s... that proof how much you love history haha!

  2. Hi Nico, can you imagine a new agrarial reform? that can be amazing for this country

  3. It would be great to go back to the 60's in Chile :)


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